Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My first start to the blogging world dedicated to Morgan

OK i kind of find it weird writing on here cause I'm not quite used of
telling people stuff about me well the depressing stuff, i kinda keep to myself
about those issues, but i was kinda inspired by a friend. OK she told me
about this blog she has. where she writes about her feelings and lets
it all flow out. so in class instead of doing work like i should be doing, which
i probably never do anyway i decided to read her blog. well here i am reading
away at this side of my friend i never knew was there. an impossible interest i
had reading her blog i was caught with the flow of her words and everything
intertwined, one word alone had more meaning to me than anyone could possibly
imagine. after reading so many different posts of hers she kept pointing out the
ones she said were depressing. word after word i was amazed by how much i
never knew about my friends feelings and how much we really do have in
common. to me her so called depressing,is a sort of sign of relief
that i personally know someone that has the same opinions about life and certain
people like i do.

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